The Valkyrie Method
The Valkyrie Program attains its goals by applying the Valkyrie Method. The Valkyrie Method is designed to offer a clear framework for engaging in activities at your level of comfort, while offering opportunities and encouragement to achieve more to ensure that all enjoy a well-rounded experience.
Program Values
We believe that the key to achieving one’s goals is to work together, in partnerships with others, with shared values – people who:
- Know they want more out of life and are prepared to do what it takes to go further, dream bigger, and achieve more
- Enjoy using their brains and their bodies to explore their world
- Aren’t afraid of a challenge
- Want to experience more of the natural world
- Enjoy learning by doing
- Take responsibility for themselves and make responsible choices
- Enjoy “big ideas” and spiritual reflection
- Believe in honor and living true to one’s principles.
Valkyrie Method
The Valkyrie Method is designed to ensure that members are:
- Enjoying their experiences and having fun
- Connecting with women, making new friends while developing and deepening relationships with others around the country and around the world
- Playing games
- Having adventures
- Engaging their creativity
- Meeting new people
- Spending time outdoors
- Taking trips and traveling the world
- Exploring their potential
- Learning and trying new things
- Improving teamwork
- Developing leadership skills
- Becoming comfortable sharing ideas and opinions, and making good decisions and difficult choices.
- Learning about themselves and their world
- Building trust between people by keeping promises and meeting expectations
- Taking responsible action in their communities
- Growing in philosophical and spiritual knowledge and wisdom