Setting Goals and Recognizing Achievements

We know that the Valkyrie Program is working toward achieving the mission of the organization by setting goals.

To make sure members are really getting the most from their experience, we provide support and training in a variety of areas, utilizing a system of awards and commendations for those who meet their goals. By providing awards and commendations for personal and team achievement, we know our members are succeeding, which means the Valkyrie Program is succeeding. That is something we like to celebrate.

The goals of the organization are rooted in our Mission “to gain, preserve, and impart wisdom and confidence among women through Viking Age martial arts, study, skill-building, and team-training programs…”

To achieve this mission, we begin with focusing on our members’ personal growth which is fostered by holistic, guided self-development. Self-development begins with dedication to the warrior’s attitude. Every person’s attitude is shaped by the stories we’ve heard about women in our homes, schools, and in popular culture. Over time, these become the stories we tell ourselves. Therefore, during the first part of the Valkyrie Program, we focus on our stories and stories about empowered women by reading, watching videos, and discussing the principles of warriorhood – inspiring ideas about self-respect, discernment, courage, and wisdom.

While ideas and intellectual growth are of vital importance to self-development, they are only part of the process that proceeds to include social, physical, emotional as well as spiritual development.

To tackle these aspects of growth, the Valkyrie Program focuses on five general areas, each with a detailed program for setting your goals and achieving them.

These areas of focus are:


Grow your knowledge and skills through study courses, arts, crafting, travel and guided discussions of classic literature, philosophy, history and more.

When striving for intellectual growth, the Valkyrie program focusing on skill learning, creative thinking and the arts, as well as problem solving and enhanced discernment for making good decisions.


Build your physical confidence through health awareness, fitness modules, and outdoor activities.

When striving for physical growth, our Program is centered on raising our members’ general health awareness, and employing that awareness to improve their overall vitality and physical fitness. To achieve this we explore how the body works, what makes it run and run well. We then apply these lessons when we engage in Viking Age-inspired combat. We also teach our members how to take effective action during a health emergency, as well as how to incorporate a broad range of knowledge in topics ranging from food and diet, to preventative wellness achieved through exercise and herbal medicine.


Cultivate healthy and lasting relationships in your personal and professional life as well as teamwork and leadership skills.

To grow socially, we explore several aspects of our social lives from how to build and maintain positive personal and professional relationships, as well as how to effectively engage in teamwork, team-building, and leadership.


Learn ancient and modern techniques for exploring your personal narrative and grounding yourself in your identity and positive emotions.

Women are especially intuitive creatures. Over many centuries we have learned to navigate our world with enhanced emotional awareness. But that sensitivity is a double-edged sword for many. Wherever you fit on the sensitivity spectrum, the Valkyrie Program is a valuable tool for helping you to cultivate your emotional health and intelligence through the exploration of personal narratives, discovering or grounding ourselves in our identity, and cultivating a positive self-image through action, not just talk.


Cultivate the spiritual by learning about and engaging with ancient wisdom traditions.

Spiritual journeys are often highly personal and require a great deal of reflection and private exploration. Whatever your spiritual journey looks like, the Valkyrie Program is designed to provide you the support and resources you need to make it as rewarding as it can be. This is achieved by equipping members with the spiritual tools they need ranging from access to sacred texts, training in mindfulness practices, or connecting with others to share spiritual ideas and inspirations.

The Valkyrie Program helps to facilitate growth by guiding members through each section described above. Along the way, members may receive special recognition or awards for outstanding achievements in addition to the gaining knowledge, confidence, and friendships to last a lifetime.

If you would like to learn more about the Valkyrie Program and its awards system, please contact us.